Christopher Gould, one of the early pioneers of Lewis County, and patriarch of the renown Gould family of Lyons Falls, arrived in the county in 1829. With him were his wife, Catherine Van Valkenburgh, and their six children. Four more children were born to them (two sons died in infancy). Their farm was near Fish Creek in what is now the Town of Greig. Christopher was a farmer, carpenter, and an expert mechanic. He followed these trades on his farm until 1859 when he moved to the village of Lyons Falls. He died there in 1882 at the age of 92, just eighteen hours after the death of his eldest son Gordias Henry.
Gordias Henry Gould had learned the trade of wheelwright and in about 1840 established a sash and blind factory in Lyons Falls on the creek that ran through village. Gordias was said to be very gifted mechanically and could do anything requiring the use of tools. He is credited for building the first steamboat to be put to use on the Black River. Although Gordias Henry Gould never sought public office he was active in politics and community affairs. He built the Walton House in Lyons Falls and he built all of the lockhouses between Lyons Falls and Boonville. He married Mary Elizabeth Plumb in 1847 and they were the parents of three daughters and one son, Gordias Henry Plumb Gould.
Gordias Henry Plumb Gould was known as G.H.P. Gould, and he became one of the wealthiest men in New York State. Following school G.H.P. Gould worked as a bookkeeper for Snyder brothers tannery in Port Leyden and in 1869 he purchased a tract of timber on the Moose River. He built a sawmill and sawed his own timber until 1874 when he formed a partnership with the three daughters and heirs of Lyman R Lyon. The firm Lyon and Gould purchased a mill just up the Moose River from Lyons Falls, Gould settled there and founded the hamlet known as Gouldtown. He soon bought out the Lyon interests and continued to buy mills and forest lands in the United States and Canada. In 1894, he built the pulp and paper mill at Lyons Falls and then built the magnificent home near the mill known as the Gould mansion. G H P Gould was very active in public affairs and was elected to the State Assembly for four terms even though he was a Democrat in a very Republican county. He was instrumental in securing protection for the Adirondacks by helping establish the Adirondack Preserve. Gordias Henry Plumb Gould had three daughters and one son Harry P. Gould, who after his fathers death in 1919, took over the business interests. Harry P. Gould died in 1938 . Although the once thriving Gould Paper Company in Lyons Falls no longer exists, the memory of the family responsible for it will long remain.